terms of service

These forbooks Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms") stipulate the conditions of service provided by forcs Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") under the name "forbooks" and the rights and obligations between our company and users of this service.

Article 1 ( Definitions )

The definitions of the terms used in these Terms and Conditions shall be as set forth in the following items.

  1. "This Service" refers to the service provided by our company under the name "forbooks" (if the name or content of the service is changed, this includes the changed service regardless of the reason).
  2. "User" refers to anyone who accesses the Service or seeks to use the Service in any way.
  3. "Registered User" refers to a User who has registered an account on this Service.
  4. "Terms of Use" refers to the conditions, etc. established by our company with respect to this Service, separately from these Terms and Conditions, which may be called "terms," ​​"guidelines," "policies," etc.

Article 2 ( Application )

  1. The purpose of these Terms is to define the conditions of provision of this Service and the rights and obligations between our company and users regarding the use of this Service, and they apply to all relationships between users and our company regarding the use of this Service.
  2. The Detailed Terms of Use shall constitute a part of these Terms of Use, and in the event of any discrepancy between the contents of these Terms of Use and the Detailed Terms of Use, the provisions of the Detailed Terms of Use shall take precedence.

Article 3 ( Agreement to Terms )

  1. Users must use the Service in accordance with the provisions of these Terms. Users may not use the Service unless they agree to these Terms. By starting to use the Service, Users are deemed to have agreed to these Terms.
  2. If the User is a minor, he/she must obtain consent from a legal guardian such as a parent or guardian before using the Service. In addition, if the User uses the Service on behalf of a business, the business must also agree to these Terms before using the Service. If a minor applies to use the Service, the minor is deemed to have obtained consent from a legal guardian.

Article 4 ( Changes to Terms )

  1. Our company reserves the right to change these Terms in whole or in part if we deem it necessary. In such a case, we will notify users of the content of the changed Terms and the effective date by posting it on the Service or by other appropriate means, or by notifying them by a method specified by our company. However, if the content of the change is such that the consent of the user is required by law, the consent of the registered user will be obtained by a method specified by our company.
  2. If you use the Service after these Terms have been changed, you will be deemed to have agreed to the changes to these Terms.


  1. Among the Services, those who wish to use services (hereinafter referred to as "Registration Requiring Services") that can only be used by users who have registered an account (hereinafter referred to as "Registered Users") (hereinafter referred to as "Applicants") may apply to register an account with the Company by providing the Company with certain information specified by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "Registration Information") in a manner specified by the Company.
  2. When making an application under the preceding paragraph, an applicant for registration must provide the Company with true, accurate and complete registration information.
  3. The Company shall determine whether or not to approve the registration of the applicant who applied under paragraph 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "Registration Applicant") in accordance with the Company's designated criteria, and shall notify the Registration Applicant accordingly if the Company approves the registration. The Registration Applicant's account registration shall be completed when the Company has given the notification under this paragraph.
  4. If the registration applicant falls under any of the following items, the Company may refuse registration or re-registration, or cancel the registration after registration. Even if the registration applicant suffers damage or disadvantage due to such refusal of registration or re-registration or cancellation of registration (hereinafter referred to as "Registration Refusal, etc."), the Company shall not be liable for such damage or disadvantage. Furthermore, the Company shall not be obligated to disclose the reasons for registration refusal, etc.
    1. If all or part of the registration information provided to the Company is false, incorrect, or missing
    2. If the person is a minor, an adult ward, a person under curatorship or assistance, and has not obtained the consent of their legal representative, guardian, curator or assistant
    3. If you are already a registered user
    4. If the Company determines that you are a member of an antisocial force (meaning an organized crime group, a member of an organized crime group, a right-wing group, an antisocial force, or any other person equivalent thereto; the same applies below), or that you have some kind of interaction or involvement with an antisocial force, such as cooperating or participating in the maintenance, operation or management of an antisocial force through funding or other means
    5. If the Company determines that the individual is a person who has previously violated a contract with the Company or a related party
    6. If you have been subject to any of the measures set out in Article 18
    7. If the Company determines that there is a risk that any of the above items apply
    8. Any other case in which the Company determines that registration is inappropriate

Article 6 ( Account Management )

  1. If there are any changes to the registered information, the Registered User shall promptly notify the Company of the changes in the manner specified by the Company. The name of the registered User may not be changed, except for a change of surname due to marriage or other cases approved by the Company.
  2. Registered users shall properly manage their user IDs and passwords (hereinafter referred to as "Login Information") for their accounts at their own responsibility and expense. The Company may deem any actions taken using the registered Login Information to have been performed by the Registered User himself, and the effects of such actions shall belong to the Registered User. The Registered User shall be liable for any damages incurred as a result of insufficient management of the Login Information, errors in use, or use by a third party.
  3. If a Registered User discovers that his/her login information has been made known to a third party or suspects that it has been used by a third party, he/she must immediately report this to the Company and follow the Company's instructions.
  4. The account for this Service belongs exclusively to the Registered User, and all rights of the Registered User to this Service cannot be transferred, loaned, or otherwise disposed of, or inherited by a third party.

Article 7 ( Account Deletion )

  1. Registered Users may delete their account registration at any time by following the procedures specified by our company.
  2. Upon deletion of the account registration under the preceding paragraph, the Registered User shall automatically lose the benefit of time for any debts owed to the Company and shall immediately make payment of all debts to the Company.
  3. All rights of the Registered User to the Service (including any points in the Service) will be extinguished when the account is deleted, regardless of the reason. Even if the Registered User accidentally deletes the account registration, the account and the extinguished points cannot be restored or restored.

Article 8 ( Provision of the Service, etc. )

  1. We may limit the provision of all or part of the Service to Users who meet certain conditions deemed necessary by us, such as age, identity verification, account registration, and other requirements.
  2. If we deem it necessary, we may change the content of this Service, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice to users.
  3. We may suspend or discontinue provision of all or part of the Service without prior notice to the User if any of the following circumstances apply:
    1. When carrying out inspection or maintenance work on systems related to this service
    2. Computer or communication line failures, operational errors, excessive concentration of access,
    3. If the operation of this service becomes impossible due to unauthorized access, hacking, etc.
    4. If the operation of the Service becomes impossible due to force majeure such as earthquakes, lightning, fires, storms, floods, power outages, and other natural disasters
    5. When necessary to ensure the safety of customers or third parties, or when there is an emergency for the public interest.
    6. In addition to the above, when the Company reasonably deems it necessary
  4. We may terminate the provision of this Service at our discretion after notifying users in advance.
  5. Even if the User suffers damage or disadvantage as a result of the Company's actions based on Paragraphs 1 to 4, the Company shall not be liable for such damage or disadvantage.

Article 9 ( Fees , etc. )

  1. When payment of fees (hereinafter referred to as "Fees") is required for the purchase of products or other use of the Service, Users who wish to use the Service shall pay such fees by the payment method selected by the User from among the payment methods specified by our Company.
  2. Except as otherwise required by law, we will not refund any fees already paid.
  3. We may revise the fees without obtaining the consent of the user, and the user agrees to this.

Article 10 ( Ownership of Rights )

  1. Intellectual property rights and other rights relating to the Service belong to the Company or to those who have granted licences to the Company.
  2. In addition to the preceding paragraph, all intellectual property rights and other rights related to the Service belong to the Company, unless otherwise specified in these Terms.

Article 11 ( Suspension and Termination of the Service )

The Company may suspend or discontinue the provision of all or part of the products in this Service without prior notice to the User. In such a case, the User agrees in advance that he/she may not be able to purchase or download (including re-download) the said products.

  1. If it is discovered that a person who has granted a license to the Company does not have the necessary authority, or if the Company determines that there is a risk of such a situation
  2. When the license agreement between our company and the person who granted the license to our company is terminated.
  3. When a person who has granted a license to our company requests the suspension or termination of provision
  4. In addition to the above, if the Company determines that a reason has arisen that makes it difficult to provide the information

Article 12 ( Functions, Specifications, etc. )

  1. Our company reserves the right to change the functions, specifications, etc. of this service at any time at its discretion without prior notice to users, etc. The following items are the features of the functions, specifications, etc. of this service.
    1. Simply adding an item to your cart does not constitute a reservation, reservation or purchase of the item.
    2. Even if you press the purchase button for a product, the purchase of the product is not yet confirmed and the product may be out of stock.
  2. The Company may provide a review function for the products of the Service. When using the review function, the User shall comply with or agree to the following items.
    1. Users represent and warrant to the Company that they have the legal rights to the content and expression of their reviews and that they are not infringing any third party rights.
    2. Users shall not exercise, and shall not allow a third party to exercise, any moral rights of an author with respect to the posted content against the Company or any person who has inherited or been licensed by the Company the rights.
    3. If the Company determines that a review of a product on the Service violates or is likely to violate laws, regulations or these Terms of Use, or if there is other reasonable business need to do so, the Company may suspend publication of the review or delete it without prior notice to the user.

Article 13 ( Advertisement )

We may display advertisements for our company or third parties on the Service.

Article 14 ( Third Party Services )

This service may include services or content provided by third parties other than our company. The third party providing the service or content is responsible for such services or content. In addition, the use of such services or content may be subject to the terms of use and other conditions stipulated by the third party providing the service or content.

Article 15 ( Privacy )

The Company's handling of information about users shall be governed by the Privacy Policy (link) separately established by the Company.

Article 16 ( Prohibitions )

When using the Service, Users must not engage in any conduct that the Company determines to be or may be deemed to be any of the following:

  1. Any act violating these terms and conditions
  2. Any act that violates laws or regulations or is related to criminal activity
  3. Fraudulent or threatening conduct against the Company, other users of the Service, or other third parties
  4. Actions that go against public order and morals
  5. Any act that infringes the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, reputation, or other legal or contractual rights or interests of the Company or any third party.
  6. Removing, circumventing or disabling any technological protection measures, such as security or DRM, applied to the content provided by the Service
  7. Posting or transmitting to us or a third party through the Service any information that corresponds to or is deemed by us to correspond to any of the following:
    1. Information that contains excessively violent or cruel content
    2. Information containing computer viruses or other harmful computer programs
    3. Information that includes expressions that damage the reputation or credibility of the Company, other users of the Service, or other third parties.
    4. Information containing excessively obscene language
    5. Information that includes expressions that constitute child pornography or child abuse
    6. Information that includes expressions that promote discrimination on grounds such as race, nationality, creed, sex, social status, family origin, etc.
    7. Information containing expressions encouraging suicide or self-harm
    8. Information that includes expressions that encourage the inappropriate use of drugs
    9. Information containing anti-social expressions
    10. Information that requests the dissemination of information to third parties, such as chain mail
    11. Information that includes expressions that offend others
  8. Any illegal access to or excessive load on the network or system of the Service
  9. Reverse engineering or other analysis of software or other systems provided by the Company
  10. Actions that involve the illegal manipulation of the Service using bots, cheat tools, or other technical means, actions that intentionally take advantage of defects in the Service, actions that involve making unreasonable inquiries or demands to the Company, such as repeatedly asking the same questions more than necessary, and other actions that may interfere with or hinder the operation of the Service by the Company or the use of the Service by other Users.
  11. Unauthorized access to the networks or systems of our company or our group companies
  12. Impersonating a third party or intentionally spreading false information
  13. Using the ID or password of another registered user of this service
  14. Any publicity, advertising, solicitation, or sales activities on the Service that are not approved in advance by the Company
  15. Unauthorized collection, disclosure, or provision of other people's personal information, registration information, usage history information, etc.
  16. Any act that causes disadvantage, damage, or offense to the Company, other users of the Service, or other third parties.
  17. Posting or transmitting the same or similar messages (except as permitted by our company), or other actions that our company considers to be spam
  18. Exchanging the right to use the Service for cash, property, or other economic benefits in any manner other than that specified by our company
  19. Providing benefits to antisocial forces or other cooperation with them
  20. Acts using the Service for purposes other than those intended by the Service, including acts with the purpose of meeting or dating unacquainted third parties, acts with the purpose of sexual acts or lewd acts, acts with the purpose of harassment or defamation against other Users,
  21. Religious activities or acts of soliciting to religious organizations
  22. Any act that directly or indirectly causes or facilitates any of the acts listed above.
  23. Attempting any of the acts listed above
  24. Any other actions that the Company deems inappropriate

Article 17 ( Termination by the Company )

If the Company determines that a User falls under or is likely to fall under any of the following items, the Company may take any action that the Company reasonably deems necessary and appropriate, without prior notice or warning to the User, such as suspending the User's use of all or part of the Service, suspending the User's registered account, canceling the User's membership, or terminating any contract between the User and the Company regarding the Service (including any contract based on these Terms and Conditions; the same applies below).

  1. If you violate any provision of these Terms and Conditions
  2. If you delay or refuse to pay the service fee for this service
  3. If it is discovered that the registration information is false
  4. If the Company suspends or becomes unable to make payments, or if a petition is filed for the commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, civil rehabilitation proceedings, corporate reorganization proceedings, special liquidation proceedings, or any similar proceedings
  5. If there is no response for more than one month to inquiries or other communications requesting a response from the Company
  6. If you are a member or have a connection with an antisocial force
  7. In addition to the cases set forth in the preceding paragraphs, if the Company reasonably determines that it is inappropriate for the User to continue using the Service.
  8. If any of the items in the preceding paragraph applies to the User, all debts owed to the Company will automatically become due and payable by the User, and the User must immediately pay all debts to the Company.
  9. Even if the measures set forth in paragraph 1 cause damage or disadvantage to the User, the Company shall not be liable for such damage or disadvantage.

Article 18 ( Disclaimer of Warranty/Indemnity )

  1. The Company makes no warranty, either expressly or impliedly, that the Service (including the Content) is free from defects or non-conformity with the contract (including security or other defects, errors or bugs, and infringement of rights), that it conforms to the User's specific purpose, that it has the expected functionality, commercial value, accuracy, or usefulness, that it complies with laws, regulations, or internal rules of industry associations, or that it can be used continuously.
  2. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User due to the Service, except in cases where such damages are caused by the Company's willful misconduct or gross negligence. However, if the contract between the User and the Company regarding the Service is a consumer contract as defined in the Consumer Contract Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Consumer Contract"), the Company shall not be liable for compensation for damages incurred due to lost profits or other special circumstances in respect of liability for breach of contract or tort liability due to the Company's negligence (excluding gross negligence), but shall be liable for damages within the scope of normally occurring damages, and in the case of the Service, shall be liable up to the amount of the service fee received from the User in the month in which such damages occurred.
  3. In the event that a User incurs damages due to the Company's gross negligence, the Company shall not be liable for compensation for lost profits or other damages caused by special circumstances, but shall be liable for compensation within the scope of normally occurring damages, and in the case of the Service, shall be liable up to the amount of the service fee received from the User in the month in which the damage occurred. However, this shall not apply if the contract between the User and the Company regarding the Service constitutes a consumer contract.
  4. Any transactions, communications, disputes, etc. that arise between a user and a third party in connection with this service shall be resolved by the registered user at his/her own responsibility, and the Company shall not be held liable in any way.

Article 19 ( User Responsibilities )

  1. Users shall use this service at their own risk and shall be fully responsible for any actions taken on this service and the consequences thereof.
  2. In order to use the Service, Users must prepare, at their own expense and responsibility, the necessary personal computers, mobile phones, smartphones and other communications equipment, operating systems, means of communication, electricity, etc.
  3. If the Company suffers directly or indirectly any damages (including attorney's fees) arising from the User's use of the Service (including cases where the Company receives a complaint from a third party about such use), the User must immediately compensate the Company according to the Company's claims.


  1. If an item shipped by our company (hereinafter referred to as the "Product") is returned due to the user's long-term absence, incorrect address, refusal to receive, etc., our company will store the Product for three months from the date of shipment. In this case, we will not be able to cancel or refund the order. In addition, the risk of the Product during the storage period will be borne by the customer.
  2. If it is within the period mentioned in the previous paragraph, you can request redelivery. For details, please see the [User Guide].
  3. If the period mentioned in the previous paragraph has passed, the user will be deemed to have abandoned ownership of the product. In this case, cancellation or refund will not be possible.
  4. If the product is returned to us again despite the user having redelivered it in accordance with the redelivery procedure, we will assume that the user has waived ownership at the time of receipt of the second return. In this case, we will not be able to provide a refund.

Article 21 ( Transfer )

  1. Registered Users may not assign, transfer, pledge or otherwise dispose of their rights and obligations regarding the use of the Service to a third party without the prior written consent of the Company.
  2. In the event that the Company transfers the business related to the Service to another company, the Company may transfer to the transferee the status under the Service Agreement, the rights and obligations under these Terms, and the Registered User's registration information and other user information, and the Registered User shall be deemed to have consented to such transfer in advance. Note that the business transfer stipulated in this paragraph includes not only normal business transfers, but also company splits and any other cases in which the business is transferred.

Article 22 ( Contact /Notice )

  1. Any communication or notice from the Company to the User regarding the Service will be made by posting on the Service, sending an e-mail to the registered e-mail address, or by any other method that the Company deems appropriate. If the Company notifies the User by sending an e-mail to the registered e-mail address, the User will be deemed to have received the notice at the time the e-mail was sent.
  2. Any contact or notification from the User to the Company regarding the Service shall be made in accordance with the methods specified by the Company.

Article 23 ( Severability )

Even if any provision or part of any provision of these Terms and Conditions is determined to be invalid or unenforceable pursuant to the Consumer Contract Act or other laws and regulations, the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions and the remaining part of the provision that is determined to be invalid or unenforceable shall continue in full force and effect.

Article 24 ( Governing Law and Jurisdiction )

  1. The official text of these Terms and Conditions shall be in Japanese and the governing law shall be Japanese law.
    2. The Tokyo District Court shall be the court of first instance with exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising from or relating to these Terms and Conditions.

Established on June 1, 2024